Welcome to the Systems-Thinkers Site
This site is in the process of being set up. It will feature blogs, editable calendar, a wiki, discussion forums, news feeds et al all concerned with topics of interest to those who like looking at “the whole” and where and how it fits into the world.
One of the things the gnomes that power the site are currently working on is a Systems-Thinkers Resources Section. Those of you with a long memory might remember that there used to be a database of good text books with information, structure, covers etc. This languished for a while and is being brought back in a new form. Not only will the resources section provide information on books but also websites, organisations, courses, tools and whatever else is of value to the systems-thinker. It will also provide the ability for site members to review and rate these things to help others make an informed choice.
The Resources section is now available and linked e.g. resource type, author, organisation, etc. The initial effort is to try and get the original data into the new format. Some of this might look old but information on old versions of books is still useful and all too often nowadays things disappear for ever - there’s no history or change record.
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If there are things that you’d like to see or you’d like the capability to do, find etc please post something in the forums.
Chosen at random from all the resources listed:
- Systems Archetype Basics: From Story To Structure by Daniel H. Kim, Virginia Anderson
- Managerial Applications of System Dynamics by Edward B Roberts
- The Systems Bible: The Beginner’s Guide to Systems Large and Small (3rd Edition) by John Gall
- The “Thinking” in Systems Thinking: Seven Essential Skills by Barry Richmond
- Soft Systems Methodology in Action by Jim Scholes, Peter B. Checkland