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Listing all articles in Systems-Thinking Resources under the category 'Requirements' :


Book : Advanced Systems Thinking, Engineering, and Management (2003)

Advanced Systems Thinking, Engineering, and Management

Publisher:Artech House Publishing

Author(s): Hitchins, Derek K.

Published: 2003 ISBN: 1580536190 • 489 pages Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback


From the publisher:

No matter what field you are working in or studying, Advanced Systems Thinking, Engineering, and Management offers you a comprehensive understanding of systems ideas and methods to help you achieve unmatched success with your challenging projects. This unique resource helps you add a systems-scientific grounding to systems engineering enterprises, showing you how to solve intractable problems, design systems to accommodate complex environments, and manage both creative and operational systems. You learn how to conceive, design and manage a systems engineering process for optimal results.

The book is filled with examples and case studies from a wide range of areas, from integrated transport systems, security systems, and defense procurement, to missile defense architectures, famine relief, and managing markets. This innovative reference introduces a generic systems lifecycle theory that helps you understand how systems form, persist and decay, and presents a 5-layer classification for systems engineering. You discover how to use a generic reference model that allows systems of all types to be addressed within a common framework. Moreover, the book reveals how architecture is used to create system emergent properties, capabilities and behaviors.

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Book : Requirements Engineering - A Good Practice Guide (1997)

Requirements Engineering - A Good Practice Guide

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s): Sawyer, Pete • Somerville, Ian

Published: 1997 ISBN: 0471974447 • 404 pages Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Paperback


From the publisher:

Requirements engineering is the process of discovering, documenting and managing the requirements for a computer-based system. The goal of requirements engineering is to produce a set of system requirements which, as far as possible, is complete, consistent, relevant and reflects what the customer actually wants. Although this ideal is probably unattainable, the use of a systematic approach based on engineering principles leads to better requirements than the informal approach which is still commonly used.

This book presents a set of guidelines which reflect the best practice in requirements engineering. Based on the authors’ experience in research and in software and systems development, these guidelines explain in an easy-to-understand way how you can improve your requirements engineering processes.

The guidelines are applicable for any type of application and, in general, apply to both systems and software engineering. The guidelines here range from simple ‘common sense’ to those which propose the introduction of complex new methods. The guidelines and process improvement schemes have been organised so that you can pick and choose according to your problems, goals and available budget. There are few dependencies between guidelines so you can introduce them in any order in your organisation.

Guidelines presented in the book

  • are consistent with ISO 9000 and CMM
  • are ranked with cost/benefit analysis
  • give implementation advice
  • can be combined and applied to suit your organisation’s needs
  • are supported by a web page pointing to RE tools and resources

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Book : System Requirements Analysis (1993)

System Requirements Analysis

Categories: Requirements

Tags: bookprocessrequirement

Publisher:McGraw Hill

Author(s): Grady, Jeffrey O.

Published: 1993 ISBN: 0070239940 • 498 pages Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback


A comprehensive, practical approach to understanding System Requirements Analysis (SRA), a process that allows engineers to define the requirements for a system as efficiently and quickly as possible - and with careful attention to quality. The author covers the fundamental applications of the process, and also explores in depth SRA methods for the system engineer interested in applying the entire process to a new project. The methods discussed here have been used successfully in aerospace engineering, but are broadly applicable to any system development project, regardless of size.

The book also shows software engineers how to define their “customer requirements” in order to take advantage of the many good computer-aided software engineering tools and methodologies currently available.

Book : The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods (2000)

The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s): Buede, Dennis M.

Published: 2000 ISBN: 0471282251 • 488 pages Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback


From the publisher:

A basic text for courses that involve the use of models and methods in the engineering design of systems, this book features topics concerning the systems engineering process and the modelling and design fundamentals needed to support this process. Industry uses many of the methods and models discussed in this book, but seldom in the integrated manner presented here.

Taking the approach that performing systems engineering activities involves modelling of many different types, this text aims to enable students to learn by experimenting with such modelling techniques. A number of generally understood systems are used to convey these modelling concepts and test the students’ ability to create realistic models.

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Book : UML for Systems Engineering (2001)

UML for Systems Engineering

Categories: General SystemsModellingRequirements

Tags: bookholtmodellingsysmlsystems engineeringuml

Publisher:Institute of Electrical Engineers

Author(s): Holt, Jon

Published: 2001 ISBN: 0852961057 • 296 pages Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback


From the publisher:

This book is based on a very successful IEE course which is in turn based on many years research into modelling and the Unified Modelling Language (UML) by the author.

The UML is the new industry standard for modelling software-intensive systems and this book looks at several applications where the UML can be used as part of a generic approach to aid many kinds of problem solving and information modelling. These include: modelling standards, processes and procedures, requirements engineering, implementation of processes, assessment of tools, defining a quality system, lifecycles and lifecycle models and software.

The book is intended to bring UML to the wider audience of systems engineers, and its application to real examples for non-software applications; a problem which is widely acknowledged in other texts, but rarely addressed.

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Book : Writing Better Requirements (2002)

Writing Better Requirements


Author(s): Alexander, Ian F. • Stevens, Richard

Published: 2002 ISBN: 0321131630 • 176 pages


From the publisher:

Well-written requirements are crucial to systems of all kinds: you are unlikely to get what you want unless you ask for it. This book explains and demonstrates exactly what requirements are for, and how to write them.

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