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Book : Aircraft Systems: Mechanical, Electrical and Avionics Subsystems Integration, 3rd Edition (2008)

Aircraft Systems: Mechanical, Electrical and Avionics Subsystems Integration, 3rd Edition

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s): Moir, Ian • Seabridge, Allan

Published: 2008 ISBN: 0470059966 • 546 pages Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback


From the publisher:

This third edition of Aircraft Systems represents a timely update of the Aerospace Series’ successful and widely acclaimed flagship title. Moir and Seabridge present an in-depth study of the general systems of an aircraft – electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics, emergency systems and flight control to name but a few - that transform an aircraft shell into a living, functioning and communicating flying machine. Advances in systems technology continue to alloy systems and avionics, with aircraft support and flight systems increasingly controlled and monitored by electronics; the authors handle the complexities of these overlaps and interactions in a straightforward and accessible manner that also enhances synergy with the book’s two sister volumes, Civil Avionics Systems and Military Avionics Systems.

Aircraft Systems, 3rd Edition is thoroughly revised and expanded from the last edition in 2001, reflecting the significant technological and procedural changes that have occurred in the interim – new aircraft types, increased electronic implementation, developing   markets, increased environmental pressures and the emergence of UAVs. Every chapter is updated, and the latest technologies depicted. It offers an essential reference tool for aerospace industry researchers and practitioners such as aircraft designers, fuel specialists, engine specialists, and ground crew maintenance providers, as well as a textbook for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students in systems engineering, aerospace and engineering avionics.

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Book : Introduction to Radar Systems - Third Edition (2002)

Introduction to Radar Systems - Third Edition

Categories: AerospaceDefenceTechnology

Tags: bookradarskolniktechnology

Publisher:McGraw Hill

Author(s): Skolnik, Merill Ivan

Published: 2002 ISBN: 0072881380 • 772 pages Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback


From The Publisher

Since the publication of the second edition of 'Introduction to Radar Systems', there has been continual development of new radar capabilities and continual improvements to the technology and practice of radar.

This growth has necessitated the addition and updating of the following topics for the third edition:

  • digital technology,
  • automatic detection and tracking,
  • doppler technology,airborne radar,
  • and target recognition.

The topic coverage is one of the great strengths of the text. In addition to a thorough revision of topics,and deletion of obsolete material,the author has added end-of-chapter problems to enhance the "teachability" of this classic book in the classroom,as well as for self-study for practicing engineers.

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Book : Introduction to Systems Engineering (2000)

Introduction to Systems Engineering

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s): Sage, Andrew P. • Armstrong, James E.

Published: 2000 ISBN: 0471027669 • 547 pages Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback


From the publisher:

Systems engineering (SE), or the engineering of large-scale systems, is key to achieving reliable, efficient, cost-effective products and services in diverse fields, including communication and network systems, software engineering, information systems, manufacturing, command and control, and defense systems acquisition and procurement.

This book offers a unique introduction to the world of systems engineering, focusing on analysis and problem-solving techniques that can be applied throughout the life cycle of product systems and service systems. While the authors provide a framework for the functional levels involved in systems engineering processes and system management, the bulk of the discussion is devoted to the practical application of formulation, analysis, and interpretation methods.

Through the use of real-world examples and useful graphs, readers will learn to:

  • Choose the most appropriate methods and tools for a given project
  • Apply issue formulation methods to assure that the right problem has been identified
  • Work with formal analysis methods to assure that the problem is solved correctly
  • Apply issue interpretation methods to insure that decisions reflect human values and technological realities, and thereby make interpretation work for them in the decision-making process
  • Develop an appreciation for the engineering and troubleshooting of large systems

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Course : Military Electronic Systems Engineering MSc/PgDip (2010)

Military Electronic Systems Engineering MSc/PgDip

Publisher:Cranfield University

Author(s): —Unknown—

Published: 2010 Delivery Format: Unknown


From Cranfield University:

The aim of this course is to provide education and training in selected electronic military systems. The course is intended for officers of the armed forces and for scientists and technical officers in government defence establishments and the defence industry. It is particularly suitable for those who, in their subsequent careers, will be involved with the specification, analysis, development, technical management or operation of military radar, electro-optics, communications, sonar or information systems, where the emphasis is on an electronic warfare environment. The main object of the course is to bring together the wide variety of disciplines involved and present them in an integrated manner, emphasising the system aspects.

Suitably qualified candidates who achieve an appropriate standard on the course are awarded either the MSc Degree or the Cranfield University Postgraduate Diploma in Military Electronic Systems Engineering as appropriate. The formal aims of the PGDip and MSc are as follows:

  • The aim of the Postgraduate Diploma course is to provide students with a detailed knowledge and understanding of military electronic warfare systems such that they are fully equipped for roles in defence intelligence and acquisition, involving the specification and analysis of such systems, working individually or as part of a team.
  • In addition, the MSc course enables the student to carry out an in-depth investigation into an area of electronic warfare to further enhance their analytical capability.

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Course : Systems Engineering for Defence Capability MSc/PgDip/PgCert (2010)

Systems Engineering for Defence Capability MSc/PgDip/PgCert

Publisher:Cranfield University

Author(s): —Unknown—

Published: 2010 Delivery Format: Unknown


Suitable for those involved in systems decisions throughout the acquisition community, ie MOD, DE&S, QinetiQ and Industry (prime contractors and the wider supply chain).

Takes you on to impressive career prospects across a range of roles commensurate with your experience. This includes membership of multidisciplinary teams in acquisition, supply or research organisations. This could be in both general systems engineering roles or as a focal point for specific skills such as availability, reliability and maintenance (ARM), human factors, requirements, architecture test and evaluation, etc. It is also applicable to key roles in MOD acquisition such as IPT leader, capability manager and requirements manager.

You will be taught by Cranfield University academic staff at the Defence Academy - College of Management and Technology who understand the challenges of translating theory into practice. Visiting lecturers include experts from industry, research establishments and Government departments, particularly the MOD.

Course Description

For the Systems Engineering for Defence Capability course, we offer two variants of the MSc, PgDip and PgCert programmes of study:

  • full-time
  • flexible part-time
  • .

Both variants are delivered by a combination of electronic learning and classroom-based lectures, workshops and exercises.

The taught phase provides comprehensive coverage of modern systems engineering principles, practices, methods and tools, and places great emphasis on their practical application.

In order to develop skills in understanding and tackling complex problems in the real world, we make extensive use of case studies and student investigation.


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Book : Systems Engineering Planning and Identity (1995)

Systems Engineering Planning and Identity

Publisher:CRC Press

Author(s): Grady, Jeffrey O.

Published: 1995 ISBN: 084937832X • 400 pages Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback


From the publisher:

This book shows the reader how to write a system engineering management plan (SEMP) that reflects the company’s identity and is appropriate to most customers’ requirements, e.g., MIL-STD-499, ISO 9001, the U.S. Air Force Integrated Management System, and EIA STD 632.The first section of this book provides a brief introduction to the process of developing a SEMP. The remainder contains a source model of a SEMP that is generic in nature. A computer disk is included with the book to provide the SEMP in a form (Microsoft Word) that can be used for the reader’s own plan.

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