Loughborough University
Loughborough University
Leicestershire, LE11 3TU,
United Kingdom.
+44 (0)1509 263171
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loughborough_University
Loughborough University is a campus university located in the market town of Loughborough, Leicestershire, in the East Midlands of England.
It has been a university since 1966, but the institution dates back to 1909, when the then Loughborough Technical Institute began with a focus on skills and knowledge which would be directly applicable in the wider world, a tradition which continues to this day, with the UNIEI funded Annual Survey on University Technology Transfer Activities finding Loughborough to be the most efficient technology transfer operation in the UK
From http://www.lboro.ac.uk/about/history/index.html
Of particular interest for this site is the Systems Engineering Innovation Centre (SEIC) which is a joint venture with BAE SYSTEMS and the East Midlands Development Agency.In 1909 a small Technical Institute in the centre of Loughborough was established, which provided local facilities for further education and offered courses in technical subjects, science and art. Land was also acquired on the Burleigh Estate, enabling the early development of the University as it stands today.
In April 1966 Loughborough was awarded its Charter, in recognition of the excellence achieved by Loughborough College of Advanced Technology and its predecessor colleges. Then called Loughborough University of Technology, it was the country’s first technological university. It was renamed Loughborough University in 1996.
Other developments have included the reunification in 1977 with Loughborough College of Education and with Loughborough College of Art and Design in 1998. Land acquisitions in 2003 and 2006 have now made Loughborough the largest single-site campus in the country, with 437 acres of land.
Home page: www.lboro.ac.uk
Loughborough University is the publisher of:
Chosen at random from all the resources listed:
- Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management by Andrew P. Sage, William B. Rouse
- System Requirements Analysis by Jeffrey O Grady
- The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods by Dennis M. Buede
- Rethinking the Fifth Discipline by Robert L. Flood
- Industrial Dynamics by Jay W Forrester