Pegasus Communications Inc.
Home page:
Pegasus Communications Inc. is the publisher of:
- Principles of Systems (1990)
- Systems Archetype Basics: From Story To Structure (2007)
- Systems Thinking Basics : From Concepts to Causal Loops (1997)
- The “Thinking” in Systems Thinking: Seven Essential Skills (2000)
- When a Butterfly Sneezes: A Guide for Helping Kids Explore Interconnections in Our World ... (2001)
Chosen at random from all the resources listed:
- Putting Systems to Work by Derek K. Hitchins
- The Systems Bible: The Beginner’s Guide to Systems Large and Small (3rd Edition) by John Gall
- Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modelling for a Complex World by John D. Sterman
- Introduction to Systems Engineering by Andrew P. Sage, James E. Armstrong
- T551_1 Systems Thinking and Practice by -- Uknown -- -- Uknown --