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Book : Bionomics: Economy as Ecosystem (1995)

Bionomics: Economy as Ecosystem

Categories: BusinessModellingSystems Thinking

Tags: bionomicsbookdarwinevolutionholtorganisationrothschild

Publisher:Henry Holt & Company

Author(s):Rothschild, Michael

Published: 1995 • ISBN: 0805019790 • 423 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Paperback

Available from: Amazon (US)Amazon (UK)Amazon (DE)


Capitalism, or the market economy, or the free enterprise system—whatever you choose to label it—was not planned. Like life on earth, it did not need to be. Capitalism just happened, and it will keep on happening. Quite spontaneously. Capitalism flourishes whenever it is not suppressed, because it is a naturally occurring phenomenon. It is the way human society organizes itself for survival in a world of limited resources.

A capitalist economy can best be comprehended as a living ecosystem. Key phenomena observed in nature: competition, specialization, cooperation, exploitation, learning, growth, and several others—are also central to business life. Moreover, the evolution of the global ecosystem and the emergence of modern industrial society are studded with striking parallels.

Briefly stated, information is the essence of both systems. In the biologic environment, genetic information, recorded in the DNA molecule, is the basis of all life. In the economic environment, technological information, captured in books, blueprints, scientific journals, databases, and the know-how of millions of individuals, is the ultimate source of all economic life.

Bionomics is not a new "theory"—some new doctrine or ideology.There’s already been entirely too much of that. Instead, this book offers a fresh new perspective, a new way of observing the facts before us. When you adjust the focus on a microscope, blurry images pop into vivid detail. In all its marvelous complexity and beauty, a world invisible to the naked eye suddenly becomes intelligible.

In a way, the bionomic perspective is an infinitely adjustable macroscope—an instrument for the mind’s eye—able to scan the panorama of the global economy or zoom in on its finest details. It is an observational technique that, once learned, comes easily. Complexities that confound traditional approaches yield to its insights. At a time of stunning change in the world, when the inadequacies of long-accepted points of view have become obvious, a new way of looking at old problems may be just what is needed.

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Book : UML for Systems Engineering (2001)

UML for Systems Engineering

Categories: General SystemsModellingRequirements

Tags: bookholtmodellingsysmlsystems engineeringuml

Publisher:Institute of Electrical Engineers

Author(s):Holt, Jon

Published: 2001 • ISBN: 0852961057 • 296 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (US)Amazon (UK)Amazon (DE)

Other Versions: 2004


From the publisher:

This book is based on a very successful IEE course which is in turn based on many years research into modelling and the Unified Modelling Language (UML) by the author.

The UML is the new industry standard for modelling software-intensive systems and this book looks at several applications where the UML can be used as part of a generic approach to aid many kinds of problem solving and information modelling. These include: modelling standards, processes and procedures, requirements engineering, implementation of processes, assessment of tools, defining a quality system, lifecycles and lifecycle models and software.

The book is intended to bring UML to the wider audience of systems engineers, and its application to real examples for non-software applications; a problem which is widely acknowledged in other texts, but rarely addressed.

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Book : UML for Systems Engineering (Second Edition) (2004)

UML for Systems Engineering (Second Edition)

Publisher:Institute of Electrical Engineers

Author(s):Holt, Jon

Published: 2004 • ISBN: 0863413544 • 376 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (DE)Amazon (UK)Amazon (US)

Other Versions: 2001


From the publisher:

Scope: Up until a few years ago there were over 150 different modelling languages available to software developers. This vast array of choice however, only served to severely hinder effective communication. Therefore, to combat this, every methodologist and many companies agreed to speak the same language, hence the birth of the unified modelling language (UML). The UML offers a means to communicate complex information in a simple way using visual modelling; i.e. drawing diagrams to create a model of a system.

This fully revised edition, based on a training course given by the author, coincides with the release of UML version 2 by the standard body, the Object Management Group, and covers the significant changes that have occurred since its release. It also includes material on life cycle management, examining the way the UML can be used to control and manage projects and the UML systems engineering profile.

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