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Book : Advanced Systems Thinking, Engineering, and Management (2003)

Advanced Systems Thinking, Engineering, and Management

Publisher:Artech House Publishing

Author(s):Hitchins, Derek K.

Published: 2003 • ISBN: 1580536190 • 489 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (DE)Amazon (UK)Amazon (US)


From the publisher:

No matter what field you are working in or studying, Advanced Systems Thinking, Engineering, and Management offers you a comprehensive understanding of systems ideas and methods to help you achieve unmatched success with your challenging projects. This unique resource helps you add a systems-scientific grounding to systems engineering enterprises, showing you how to solve intractable problems, design systems to accommodate complex environments, and manage both creative and operational systems. You learn how to conceive, design and manage a systems engineering process for optimal results.

The book is filled with examples and case studies from a wide range of areas, from integrated transport systems, security systems, and defense procurement, to missile defense architectures, famine relief, and managing markets. This innovative reference introduces a generic systems lifecycle theory that helps you understand how systems form, persist and decay, and presents a 5-layer classification for systems engineering. You discover how to use a generic reference model that allows systems of all types to be addressed within a common framework. Moreover, the book reveals how architecture is used to create system emergent properties, capabilities and behaviors.

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Book : Aircraft Systems: Mechanical, Electrical and Avionics Subsystems Integration, 3rd Edition (2008)

Aircraft Systems: Mechanical, Electrical and Avionics Subsystems Integration, 3rd Edition

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s):Moir, IanSeabridge, Allan

Published: 2008 • ISBN: 0470059966 • 546 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (US)Amazon (UK)Amazon (DE)


From the publisher:

This third edition of Aircraft Systems represents a timely update of the Aerospace Series’ successful and widely acclaimed flagship title. Moir and Seabridge present an in-depth study of the general systems of an aircraft – electronics, hydraulics, pneumatics, emergency systems and flight control to name but a few - that transform an aircraft shell into a living, functioning and communicating flying machine. Advances in systems technology continue to alloy systems and avionics, with aircraft support and flight systems increasingly controlled and monitored by electronics; the authors handle the complexities of these overlaps and interactions in a straightforward and accessible manner that also enhances synergy with the book’s two sister volumes, Civil Avionics Systems and Military Avionics Systems.

Aircraft Systems, 3rd Edition is thoroughly revised and expanded from the last edition in 2001, reflecting the significant technological and procedural changes that have occurred in the interim – new aircraft types, increased electronic implementation, developing   markets, increased environmental pressures and the emergence of UAVs. Every chapter is updated, and the latest technologies depicted. It offers an essential reference tool for aerospace industry researchers and practitioners such as aircraft designers, fuel specialists, engine specialists, and ground crew maintenance providers, as well as a textbook for senior undergraduate and postgraduate students in systems engineering, aerospace and engineering avionics.

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Book : Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management (1999)

Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s):Sage, Andrew P.Rouse, William B.

Published: 1999 • ISBN: 0471154059 • 1236 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (US)Amazon (UK)


From the publisher:

Systems engineering is the management technology that supports the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of the total system development process to ensure evolution of a high-quality, trustworthy, and cost-effective system capable of meeting user needs.  Among the many applications of systems engineering and management are decision support systems, command and control systems, air traffic control systems, intelligent highway vehicle systems, process control systems, and enterprise systems. The factors associated with the engineering of large-scale systems include policy making, planning, decision making, resource allocation, and action deployment.The Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management is a comprehensive, single-volume reference to every aspect of systems engineering and management for fielding systems of all types, especially systems that are information-, technology-, and software-intensive.This volume guides professionals through every phase of the definition, design, implementation, and management of systems of large scale and scope, from identifying user needs and determining costs to ensuring system capabilities and maintaining smooth operations. The handbook will be of long-lasting value to those concerned with the technical direction, development, and management of complex projects of large scale and scope.

The first undertaking of its kind, the Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management presents a single, practical source covering the theory and practice of systems engineering and management.  Taking a multifaceted view of this interdisciplinary subject, the work begins with a comprehensive outline of systems engineering. The handbook then provides major sections on systems engineering methodology and processes, systems management, human factors in systems engineering,quality and standards in systems engineering, and system engineering methods.

With its main focus on the organization and management of complexity, rather than direct technological concerns that affect individual subsystems, it covers a vast number of ingredients associated with the engineering of trustworthy systems, and helps those involved in these large-scale projects with:

  • Systematic measurement approaches and capability-assessment models
  • A knowledge base of effective systems-engineering processes and systems-management strategies
  • An understanding of the complex role of advanced information technologies in enhancing systems’ productivity and quality
  • Detailed discussions of the tools and methods, life cycle processes, and systems management strategies available for the support of complex high-technology systems-engineering efforts

Supplemented with nearly 400 graphs and figures that help clarify difficult concepts and organize complex material, the Handbook of Systems Engineering and Management is an immensely helpful resource for systems engineers, human factors engineers, and systems and software development managers in industry and government.

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Book : Human Factors in Systems Engineering (1996)

Human Factors in Systems Engineering

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s):Chapanis, Alphonse

Published: 1996 • ISBN: 0471137820 • 352 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (US)Amazon (UK)Amazon (DE)


From the Publisher:

'Human Factors in Systems Engineering' shows how to integrate human factors into the design of tools, machines, and systems so that they match human abilities and limitations.

Unlike virtually all other books on human factors, which leave the implementation of general guidelines to engineers and designers with little or no human factors expertise, this unique book shows that the proper role of the human factors specialist is to translate general guidelines into project specific design requirements to which engineers can design.

Again, while other human factors books ignore the standards, specifications, requirements, and other work products that must be prepared by engineers, this book emphasises the methods used to generate the human factors inputs for engineering work products, and the points in the development process where these inputs are needed.

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Book : Introduction to Systems Engineering (2000)

Introduction to Systems Engineering

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s):Sage, Andrew P.Armstrong, James E.

Published: 2000 • ISBN: 0471027669 • 547 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (US)Amazon (UK)Amazon (DE)


From the publisher:

Systems engineering (SE), or the engineering of large-scale systems, is key to achieving reliable, efficient, cost-effective products and services in diverse fields, including communication and network systems, software engineering, information systems, manufacturing, command and control, and defense systems acquisition and procurement.

This book offers a unique introduction to the world of systems engineering, focusing on analysis and problem-solving techniques that can be applied throughout the life cycle of product systems and service systems. While the authors provide a framework for the functional levels involved in systems engineering processes and system management, the bulk of the discussion is devoted to the practical application of formulation, analysis, and interpretation methods.

Through the use of real-world examples and useful graphs, readers will learn to:

  • Choose the most appropriate methods and tools for a given project
  • Apply issue formulation methods to assure that the right problem has been identified
  • Work with formal analysis methods to assure that the problem is solved correctly
  • Apply issue interpretation methods to insure that decisions reflect human values and technological realities, and thereby make interpretation work for them in the decision-making process
  • Develop an appreciation for the engineering and troubleshooting of large systems

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Book : Managing Complex Technical Projects - A Systems Engineering Approach (2002)

Managing Complex Technical Projects - A Systems Engineering Approach

Publisher:Artech House Publishing

Author(s):Faulconbridge, R IanRyan, Michael J.

Published: 2002 • ISBN: 1580533787 • 274 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (DE)Amazon (UK)Amazon (US)


From the publisher:

This unique resource delivers complete, easy-to-understand coverage of the management of complex technical projects through systems engineering. Written for a wide spectrum of readers, from novices to experienced practitioners, the book holds the solution to delivering projects on time and within budget, avoiding the failures and inefficiencies of past efforts.

It provides you with a framework that encapsulates all areas of systems engineering, clearly showing you where the multitude of systems engineering activities fit within the overall effort. You get a top-down approach that introduces you to the philosophical aspects of this discipline, and offers you a cohesive understanding of a plethora of important terms, standards and practices that have been developed independently. Moreover, the authors present key systems engineering issues in a manner that promotes individual thinking and unique approaches to the varied projects you encounter in the field.

About the Author

R. Ian Faulconbridge is a senior lecturer at the University of New South Wales, where he received his M.Eng.Sc. in electrical engineering. He received his M.B.A. in project management from the University of Southern Queensland.

Michael J. Ryan serves as senior lecturer at the University of New South Wales. He earned his M.Eng.Sc. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering at this university.

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Book : Methodology for Large Scale Systems (1977)

Methodology for Large Scale Systems

Categories: Complexity

Tags: booksagesystems engineering

Publisher:McGraw Hill

Author(s):Sage, Andrew P.

Published: 1977 • ISBN: 0070544387 • 445 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback




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Course : Military Electronic Systems Engineering MSc/PgDip (2010)

Military Electronic Systems Engineering MSc/PgDip

Publisher:Cranfield University


Published: 2010 • Delivery Format: Unknown


From Cranfield University:

The aim of this course is to provide education and training in selected electronic military systems. The course is intended for officers of the armed forces and for scientists and technical officers in government defence establishments and the defence industry. It is particularly suitable for those who, in their subsequent careers, will be involved with the specification, analysis, development, technical management or operation of military radar, electro-optics, communications, sonar or information systems, where the emphasis is on an electronic warfare environment. The main object of the course is to bring together the wide variety of disciplines involved and present them in an integrated manner, emphasising the system aspects.

Suitably qualified candidates who achieve an appropriate standard on the course are awarded either the MSc Degree or the Cranfield University Postgraduate Diploma in Military Electronic Systems Engineering as appropriate. The formal aims of the PGDip and MSc are as follows:

  • The aim of the Postgraduate Diploma course is to provide students with a detailed knowledge and understanding of military electronic warfare systems such that they are fully equipped for roles in defence intelligence and acquisition, involving the specification and analysis of such systems, working individually or as part of a team.
  • In addition, the MSc course enables the student to carry out an in-depth investigation into an area of electronic warfare to further enhance their analytical capability.

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Book : System Engineering Management (1992)

System Engineering Management

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s):Blanchard, Benjamin S.

Published: 1992 • ISBN: 0471190861 • 480 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (US)Amazon (UK)Amazon (DE)


From the publisher:

System engineering is the application of scientific and engineering efforts to transform a business need into a defined system configuration through the top-down process of requirements, definition, functional analysis, allocation synthesis, design optimization, test and evaluation. The systems engineering process, in its evolution of functional detail and design requirements, has as its goal the achievement of the proper balance between operational, performance, economic and logistics factors.

This volume contains:

  • coverage of different types of systems, particularly in the defence/commercial/private sectors;
  • discussion of requirements analysis;
  • emphasis on "open-architecture" approach to design of the functional analysis and requirements allocation process;
  • coverage of the integration of software into the system engineering and software development process;
  • the use of simulation methods, and rapid prototyping in the coverage of the integration of system test and evaluation into the system engineering process;
  • concurrent engineering focus on the design integration process;
  • international aspects and impacts of the selection and management of suppliers;
  • increased coverage of technical performance measures (TPMs);
  • and the concepts behind Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) and Integrated Process Team (IPT).

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Book : Systems Architecting: Creating & Building Complex Systems (1991)

Systems Architecting: Creating & Building Complex Systems

Publisher:Prentice Hall

Author(s):Rechtin, E.R.

Published: 1991 • ISBN: 0138803455 • 352 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (US)Amazon (UK)Amazon (DE)


This volume combines the principles of systems engineering with those of architecting (the science and art of creating, designing, planning and certifying new structures) for a problem-solving approach to the design of large, complex projects.

It offers new conceptual models to engineers involved in the design of spacecraft, launch vehicles, aircraft and communication, computer or defence systems. With insights derived from real-world examples of major systems success and failures, this volume offers engineers the opportunity of saving time and money.

Highlights of the book include a detailed examination of the conceptual design phase, a heuristic approach to the teaching methods and a look at the various interrelated subjects of architecting.

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