Course : Military Electronic Systems Engineering MSc/PgDip (2010)
Categories: Defence • Education • Electronics • Systems Engineering
Tags: course • cranfield • defence • education • postgraduate • systems engineering • uk • university
From Cranfield University:
The aim of this course is to provide education and training in selected electronic military systems. The course is intended for officers of the armed forces and for scientists and technical officers in government defence establishments and the defence industry. It is particularly suitable for those who, in their subsequent careers, will be involved with the specification, analysis, development, technical management or operation of military radar, electro-optics, communications, sonar or information systems, where the emphasis is on an electronic warfare environment. The main object of the course is to bring together the wide variety of disciplines involved and present them in an integrated manner, emphasising the system aspects.
Suitably qualified candidates who achieve an appropriate standard on the course are awarded either the MSc Degree or the Cranfield University Postgraduate Diploma in Military Electronic Systems Engineering as appropriate. The formal aims of the PGDip and MSc are as follows:
- The aim of the Postgraduate Diploma course is to provide students with a detailed knowledge and understanding of military electronic warfare systems such that they are fully equipped for roles in defence intelligence and acquisition, involving the specification and analysis of such systems, working individually or as part of a team.
- In addition, the MSc course enables the student to carry out an in-depth investigation into an area of electronic warfare to further enhance their analytical capability.
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