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Book : Putting Systems to Work (1992)

Putting Systems to Work

Categories: General SystemsSystems Thinking

Tags: book

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s):Hitchins, Derek K.

Published: 1992 • ISBN: 0471934267 • 342 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Paperback

Available from: Amazon (UK)Amazon (US)Amazon (DE)


This text, examining the nature, views and uses of systems, aims to develop a sound systems ethic and systems methods that will improve the performance of systems, organizations and businesses while preserving the environment.

There are four distinct but interrelated parts, progressing from basic systems notions and principles, through the establishment of some building blocks, through to full systems synthesis. Classical systems engineering is discussed, as a basis for comparison with, and foundation for, a New Systems Engineering, and speculation is put forward about the way in which some aspects of system design might be undertaken in the future.


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