Book : System Analysis, Design, and Development: Concepts, Principles, and Practices (2006)
Categories: General Systems • Systems Engineering
Tags: architecture • book • systems thinking • wasson • wiley
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Author(s): Wasson, Charles S
Published: 2006 • ISBN: 0471393339 • 832 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback
Available from: Amazon (DE) • Amazon (UK) • Amazon (US)
From the publisher:
Written in a practical, easy to understand style, this text provides a step-by-step guide to System Analysis and Engineering by introducing concepts, principles, and practices via a progression of topical, lesson oriented chapters.
Each chapter focuses on specific aspects of system analysis, design, and development, and includes definitions of key terms, examples, author’s notes, key principles, and challenging exercises that teach readers to apply their knowledge to real world systems.
Concepts and methodologies presented can be applied by organizations in business sectors such as transportation, construction, medical, financial, education, aerospace and defense, utilities, government, and others, regardless of size.
An excellent undergraduate or graduate-level textbook in systems analysis and engineering, this book is written for both new and experienced professionals who acquire, design, develop, deploy, operate, or support systems, products, or services.
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