Course : T553_1 Systems Modelling (1999)

Categories: Education • Modelling • Systems Thinking
Tags: course • education • modelling • open university • university
Publisher: The Open University
Author(s): —Unknown—
Published: 1999 • Delivery Format: Online (Internet)
Provided by The Open University under their OpenLearn website as a free study units with a discussion forum. Study independently at your own pace or join a group and use the free learning tools to work with others.
Time: 4 hours
Level: Introductory
From the Open University:
Maps and plans, architects and engineers, drawings, graphs and tables: all are models we use in everyday life. This unit will introduce you to the modelling process enabling you to recognise that systems models may be used in different ways as part of a process for: improving understanding of a situation; identifying problems or formulating opportunities and supporting decision making.
Learning Outcomes
After working through these materials you should be able to:
- describe and use a general classification of models;
- outline and discuss the process of systems modelling, where models are used as part of a systemic approach to a range of different situations;
- recognise that systems models may be used in different ways as part of a process for: improving understanding of a situation; identifying problems or formulating opportunities; supporting decision making.
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