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Book : The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods (2000)

The Engineering Design of Systems: Models and Methods

Publisher:John Wiley & Sons

Author(s):Buede, Dennis M.

Published: 2000 • ISBN: 0471282251 • 488 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback

Available from: Amazon (DE)Amazon (UK)Amazon (US)


From the publisher:

A basic text for courses that involve the use of models and methods in the engineering design of systems, this book features topics concerning the systems engineering process and the modelling and design fundamentals needed to support this process. Industry uses many of the methods and models discussed in this book, but seldom in the integrated manner presented here.

Taking the approach that performing systems engineering activities involves modelling of many different types, this text aims to enable students to learn by experimenting with such modelling techniques. A number of generally understood systems are used to convey these modelling concepts and test the students’ ability to create realistic models.


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