Book : The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook : Strategies and Tools for Building a Learning Organization (1998)
Categories: Business • Systems Thinking
Tags: book • business • senge • systems thinking
Publisher: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group
Author(s): Senge, Peter M. • Kleiner, Art • Smith, Bryan J. • Roberts, Charlotte • Ross, Richard B.
Published: 1998 • ISBN: 0385472560 • 593 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Paperback
Available from: Amazon (UK) • Amazon (US) • Amazon (DE)
From the publisher:
"The Fifth Discipline" revolutionized the practice of management by introducing the theory of learning organizations. Now, Dr Senge moves from the philosophical to the practical by answering the first question all lovers of the learning organization ask - what do they do on Monday morning?
This book is a pragmatic guide. It shows how to create an organization of learners where memories are brought to life, where collaboration is the life-blood of every endeavour and where tough questions are fearlessly asked. The stories in this book show that businesses, schools, agencies and even communities can undo their "learning disabilities" and achieve superior performance.
The book helps readers learn:
- why Royal Dutch/Shell now asks its managers,"What do you want on your epitaph?";
- how Ford Motor Company escaped from the measurement trap that threatens all quality initiatives;
- how Intel developed forms of "team learning" to dramatically cut cycle time and change their working relationship;
- how the 18,000 employees of the Australian Taxation Office took charge of their own learning to bust their tired, burdensome bureaucracy;
- why Du Pont uses a board game to understand the emotional element of plant maintenance problems;
- and how AT&T used the learning organization concept to begin its transformation from a corporation to a global community.
It isn't necessary to read the "The Fifth Discipline" to understand this book - summaries of Senge's key theoretical ideas are included in "The Fieldbook".
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