Resources : Authors
The authors of all the resources listed are:
- -- Uknown --, -- Uknown --
- Alexander, Ian F.
- Anderson, Virginia
- Armstrong, James E.
- Arnold, Stuart
- Balle, Michael
- Blanchard, Benjamin S.
- Booth Sweeney, Linda
- Brook, Peter
- Buede, Dennis M.
- Cavana, Robert
- Chapanis, Alphonse
- Checkland, Peter B.
- Faulconbridge, R Ian
- Flood, Robert L.
- Forrester, Jay W
- Gall, John
- Gharajedaghi, Jamshid
- Grady, Jeffrey O
- Hazelrigg, George A.
- Hitchins, Derek K.
- Holt, Jon
- Jackson, Ken
- Jackson, Scott
- Johnson, Steven
- Kauffman, Draper L.
- Kerzner, H.
- Kim, Daniel H.
- Kleiner, Art
- Maani, Kambiz
- Maier, M.W.
- Martin, James N.
- McDermott, Ian
- Meadows, Dennis
- Meadows, Donella H
- Moir, Ian
- Morecroft, John
- O'Connor, Joseph
- Rechtin, E.R.
- Richmond, Barry
- Roberts, Charlotte
- Roberts, Edward B
- Ross, Richard B.
- Rothschild, Michael
- Rouse, William B.
- Ryan, Michael J.
- Sage, Andrew P.
- Sawyer, Pete
- Scholes, Jim
- Seabridge, Allan
- Seddon, John
- Senge, Peter M.
- Sherwood, Dennis
- Skolnik, Merill Ivan
- Smith, Bryan J.
- Somerville, Ian
- Sterman, John D.
- Stevens, Richard
- Waring, Alan
- Wasson, Charles S
- Wilson, Brian
- Yolles, Maurice
Chosen at random from all the resources listed:
- Systems Engineering for Commercial Aircraft by Scott Jackson
- When a Butterfly Sneezes: A Guide for Helping Kids Explore Interconnections in Our World ... by Linda Booth Sweeney
- Modelling for Learning Organisations by John D. Sterman, John Morecroft
- Human Factors in Systems Engineering by Alphonse Chapanis
- Rethinking the Fifth Discipline by Robert L. Flood