Book : UML for Systems Engineering (Second Edition) (2004)

Categories: General Systems • Modelling • Systems Engineering
Tags: book • holt • modelling • systems engineering • uml
Publisher: Institute of Electrical Engineers
Author(s): Holt, Jon
Published: 2004 • ISBN: 0863413544 • 376 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback
Available from: Amazon (DE) • Amazon (UK) • Amazon (US)
Other Versions: 2001
From the publisher:
Scope: Up until a few years ago there were over 150 different modelling languages available to software developers. This vast array of choice however, only served to severely hinder effective communication. Therefore, to combat this, every methodologist and many companies agreed to speak the same language, hence the birth of the unified modelling language (UML). The UML offers a means to communicate complex information in a simple way using visual modelling; i.e. drawing diagrams to create a model of a system.
This fully revised edition, based on a training course given by the author, coincides with the release of UML version 2 by the standard body, the Object Management Group, and covers the significant changes that have occurred since its release. It also includes material on life cycle management, examining the way the UML can be used to control and manage projects and the UML systems engineering profile.
Content / Structure
1 Systems Engineering
- 1.1 Problems with Systems
- 1.2 Complexity, Communication and Understanding
- 1.3 Quality
- 1.4 Conclusions
- 1.5 Further Discussion
- 1.6 References
2 Modelling
- 2.1 Introduction to Modelling
- 2.2 The UML
- 2.3 Conclusions
- 2.4 Further Discussion
- 2.5 References
3 Structural Modelling
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Structural Modelling Using Class Diagrams
- 3.3 Other Structural Diagrams
- 3.4 Conclusion
- 3.5 Further Discussion
- 3.6 References
4 Behavioural Modelling
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Alternative State Machine Modelling
- 4.3 Other Behavioural Models
- 4.4 Conclusions
- 4.5 Further Discussion
- 4.6 References
5 The UML Diagrams
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Class Diagrams (Structural)
- 5.3 Object Diagrams
- 5.4 Composite Structure Diagrams (Structural)
- 5.5 Package Diagrams (Structural)
- 5.6 State Machine Diagrams (Behavioural)
- 5.7 Interaction Diagrams
- 5.8 Activity Diagrams
- 5.9 Use Case Diagrams
- 5.10 Component Diagrams
- 5.11 Deployment Diagrams
- 5.12 Summary
- 5.13 Conclusions
- 5.14 Further Discussion
- 5.15 References
6 Modelling Standards, Processes and Procedures
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Standards
- 6.3 Analysing Standards
- 6.4 Defining New Processes Using the UML
- 6.5 Tailoring the Process
- 6.6 Defining Deliverables
- 6.7 Implementing the Systems Engineering Process Using a Tool
- 6.8 Concusions
- 6.9 Further Discussion
- 6.10 References
7 Modelling Requirements
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 Requirements Engineering Basics
- 7.3 Using Use Case Diagrams (Usefully)
- 7.4 Context Modelling
- 7.5 Requirements Modelling
- 7.6 Modelling Scenarios
- 7.7 Documenting Requirements
- 7.8 Summary and Conclusions
- 7.9 Further Discussion
- 7.10 References
8 Life Cycle Management
- 8.1 Life Cycles and Life Cycle Models
- 8.2 Different Life Cycle Models
- 8.3 STUMP - An Example of Life Cycle Management
- 8.4 Project Planning
- 8.5 Summary
- 8.6 Exercise
- 8.7 References
9 System Architectures
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Example of Architecture - Department of Defense Architectural Framework (DoDAF)
- 9.3 Example Architecture - IEEE 1471
- 9.4 Common Themes
- 9.5 Validation with Architectures
- 9.6 Applying the UML
- 9.7 Conclusions
- 9.8 References
10 Extending the UML
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Creating a Profile
- 10.3 Conclusions
- 10.4 Further Discussion
- 10.5 References
11 Tools
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 CASE Tools
- 11.3 Selecting a Tool
- 11.4 A Requirements Model for CASE Tool Evaluation
- 11.5 Conclusions
- 11.6 Further Discussion
Copyright 2007 The Institution of Engineering and Technology
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