Book : Managing Complex Technical Projects - A Systems Engineering Approach (2002)
Categories: General Systems • Project Management
Tags: book • eia632 • faulconbridge • ieee1220 • lifecycle • mil-std-499b • process • project management • ryan • standard • systems engineering
Publisher: Artech House Publishing
Author(s): Faulconbridge, R Ian • Ryan, Michael J.
Published: 2002 • ISBN: 1580533787 • 274 pages • Delivery Format: Hard Copy - Hardback
Available from: Amazon (DE) • Amazon (UK) • Amazon (US)
From the publisher:
This unique resource delivers complete, easy-to-understand coverage of the management of complex technical projects through systems engineering. Written for a wide spectrum of readers, from novices to experienced practitioners, the book holds the solution to delivering projects on time and within budget, avoiding the failures and inefficiencies of past efforts.
It provides you with a framework that encapsulates all areas of systems engineering, clearly showing you where the multitude of systems engineering activities fit within the overall effort. You get a top-down approach that introduces you to the philosophical aspects of this discipline, and offers you a cohesive understanding of a plethora of important terms, standards and practices that have been developed independently. Moreover, the authors present key systems engineering issues in a manner that promotes individual thinking and unique approaches to the varied projects you encounter in the field.
About the Author
R. Ian Faulconbridge is a senior lecturer at the University of New South Wales, where he received his M.Eng.Sc. in electrical engineering. He received his M.B.A. in project management from the University of Southern Queensland.
Michael J. Ryan serves as senior lecturer at the University of New South Wales. He earned his M.Eng.Sc. and Ph.D. in electrical engineering at this university.
Content / Structure
Introduction to Systems Engineering
- 1.1 What is a System?
- 1.2 System Life Cycle
- 1.1.1 Acquisition Phase
- 1.2.2 Utilization Phase
- 1.3 What is Systems Engineering?
- 1.3.1 Requirements Engineering
- 1.3.2 Top-Down Approach
- 1.3.3 Focus on Life Cycle
- 1.3.4 System Optimization and Balance
- 1.3.5 Integration of Disciplines and Specialties
- 1.3.6 Management
- 1.4 Systems Engineering Relevance
- 1.5 Systems Engineering Benefits
- 1.6 Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation
- 1.6.1 Analysis
- 1.6.2 Synthesis
- 1.6.3 Evaluation
- 1.7 A Systems Engineering Framework
- 1.7.1 Systems Engineering Processes
- 1.7.2 Systems Engineering Management
- 1.7.4 Related Disciplines
- Endnotes
2 Conceptual Design
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Identify Stakeholder Requirements
- 2.2.1 Stakeholder-Requirements Document
- 2.2.2 Identify Stakeholders
- 2.2.3 Identify Project and External Constraints
- 2.2.4 Identify External Constraints
- 2.2.5 Define Need, Goals, and Objectives
- 2.2.6 Define Operational Scenarios
- 2.2.7 Define Measures of Effectiveness
- 2.2.8 Define Life-Cycle Concepts
- 2.2.9 Confirm SRD Structure
- 2.2.10 Scoping the System
- 2.2.11 Populate SRD
- 2.2.12 SRD Endorsement
- 2.2.13 Traceability
- 2.3 System-Feasibility Analysis
- 2.4 System-Requirements Analysis
- 2.4.1 Establish Requirements Framework
- 2.4.2 Define Functional Requirements
- 2.4.3 Define Performance Requirements
- 2.4.4 Define Verification Requirements
- 2.4.5 Assign Rationale
- 2.4.6 Perform Functional Analysis and Allocation
- 2.4.7 Produce Draft System Specification
- 2.4.8 Define TPMs
- 2.4.9 System-Requirements Reviews
- 2.4.10 Other System-Level Considerations
- 2.5 System-Level Synthesis
- 2.6 System-Design Review
- Endnotes
3 Preliminary Design
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Subsystem-Requirements Analysis
- 3.3 Requirements Allocation
- 3.4 RBS Versus WBS
- 3.5 Interface Identification and Design
- 3.6 Subsystem-Level Synthesis and Evaluation
- 3.6.1 Review Sources of Subsystem Requirements
- 3.6.2 Investigate Preliminary Design Alternatives
- 3.6.3 Make Optimal Use of Design Space
- 3.6.4 Select Preferred Solution
- Preliminary Design Review
- Endnotes
4 Detailed Design and Development
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Detailed Design Requirements
- 4.3 Designing and Integrating System Elements
- 4.3.1 Detailed Design Process
- 4.3.2 Integration
- 4.3.3 Some Detailed Design Aids
- 4.4 System Prototype Development
- 4.5 Detailed Design Reviews
- 4.5.1 Equipment/Software Design Reviews
- 4.5.2 Critical Design Review
- 4.6 Construction and Production
- 4.7 Operational Use and System Support
- 4.8 Phaseout and Disposal
- Endnotes
5 Systems Engineering Management
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Technical Reviews and Audits
- 5.2.1 Major Reviews
- 5.2.2 Major Audits
- 5.2.3 Technical Review and Audit Management
- 5.3 System Test and Evaluation
- 5.3.1 Developmental Test and Evaluation
- 5.3.2 Acceptance Test and Evaluation
- 5.3.3 Operational Test and Evaluation
- 5.3.4 Test Management
- 5.3.5 Testing Activities and the System Life Cycle
- 5.3.6 TEMP
- 5.4 Technical Risk Management
- 5.4.1 Risk Identification
- 5.4.2 Risk Quantification
- 5.4.3 Risk-Response Development and Control
- 5.4.4 Risk-Management Documentation
- 5.5 Configuration Management
- 5.5.1 Establishing the Baselines
- 5.5.2 Configuration-Management Functions
- 5.5.3 Configuration-Management Documentation
- 5.6 Specifications and Standards
- 5.6.1 Specifications
- 5.6.2 Standards
- 5.7 Integration Management
- 5.8 Systems Engineering Management Planning
- Endnotes
6 Systems Engineering Management Tools
- 6.1 Standards
- 6.2 MIL-STD-499B Systems Engineering (Draft)
- 6.2.1 General Standards Content
- 6.2.2 Systems engineering Process
- 6.2.3 Content of the MIL-STD-499B SEMP
- 6.2.4 Additional Information and Requirements
- 6.2.5 Summary
- 6.3 EIA/IS-632 Systems Engineering
- 6.3.1 General Standard Content
- 6.3.2 Systems Engineering Process
- 6.3.3 Content of the EIA/IS-632 SEMP
- 6.3.4 Other Information and Requirements
- 6.3.5 Summary
- 6.4 IEEE 1220 (Trial Use) and IEEE 1220-IEEE Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process
- 6.4.1 general Standard Content
- 6.4.2 IEEE 1220 Life-Cycle Model
- 6.4.3 Systems Engineering Process
- 6.4.4 Content of the IEEE 1220 Engineering Plan
- 6.4.5 Additional Material and Requirements
- 6.4.6 Summary
- 6.5 ANSI/EIA-632-Processes for engineering a System
- 6.5.1 ANSI/EIA-632 Processes
- 6.5.2 ANSI/EIA-632 Requirements
- 6.5.3 ANSI/EIA-632 Concepts
- 6.5.4 ANSI/EIA-632 Annexes
- 6.5.5 Summary
- 6.6 Other Useful Documents
- 6.6.1 Technical Reviews and Audits
- 6.6.2 Systems Engineering Standards
- 6.6.3 Configuration Management
- 6.6.4 Specification Standards
- 6.6.5 Work Breakdown Structures
- 6.7 Capability Maturity Models
- 6.8 SEI-Systems Engineering Capability MAturity Model
- 6.8.1 SE-CMM Foundation
- 6.8.2 Process Areas
- 6.8.3 Capability Levels
- 6.8.4 Summary
- 6.9 CMM Integration
- Endnotes
7 Systems Engineering Process Tools
- 7.1 Analysis Tools - Requirements Engineering
- 7.1.1 What is a Requirement?
- 7.1.2 Requirements Engineering
- 7.1.3 Requirements Documentation
- 7.1.4 Automated Requirements-Management Tools
- 7.1.5 Difficulties in Developing Requirements
- 7.2 Synthesis - Various Tools
- 7.2.1 Schematic Block Diagrams
- 7.2.2 Physical Modeling
- 7.2.3 Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
- 7.3 Evaluation - Trade-Off Analysis
- Endnotes
8 Related Disciplines
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Project Management
- 8.3 Quality Assurance
- 8.4 Logistics Support
- 8.5 Operations
- 8.6 Design Support Network
- 8.7 Software Engineering
- 8.8 Hardware Engineering
- Endnotes
List of Acronyms
About the Authors
Copyright 2003 Artech House, Inc,
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