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Course : Systems Engineering for Defence Capability MSc/PgDip/PgCert (2010)

Systems Engineering for Defence Capability MSc/PgDip/PgCert

Publisher:Cranfield University


Published: 2010 • Delivery Format: Unknown


Suitable for those involved in systems decisions throughout the acquisition community, ie MOD, DE&S, QinetiQ and Industry (prime contractors and the wider supply chain).

Takes you on to impressive career prospects across a range of roles commensurate with your experience. This includes membership of multidisciplinary teams in acquisition, supply or research organisations. This could be in both general systems engineering roles or as a focal point for specific skills such as availability, reliability and maintenance (ARM), human factors, requirements, architecture test and evaluation, etc. It is also applicable to key roles in MOD acquisition such as IPT leader, capability manager and requirements manager.

You will be taught by Cranfield University academic staff at the Defence Academy - College of Management and Technology who understand the challenges of translating theory into practice. Visiting lecturers include experts from industry, research establishments and Government departments, particularly the MOD.

Course Description

For the Systems Engineering for Defence Capability course, we offer two variants of the MSc, PgDip and PgCert programmes of study:

  • full-time
  • flexible part-time
  • .

Both variants are delivered by a combination of electronic learning and classroom-based lectures, workshops and exercises.

The taught phase provides comprehensive coverage of modern systems engineering principles, practices, methods and tools, and places great emphasis on their practical application.

In order to develop skills in understanding and tackling complex problems in the real world, we make extensive use of case studies and student investigation.


Content / Structure

Core Modules

Introduction to Defence Capability

Introduction to Systems Engineering

Systems Analysis Techniques

Systems Engineering Lifecycle Processes

Capability Requirements and Architecture

Capability Requirements and Architecture

Systems Engineering Workshop

Advanced Modules

A number of elective modules are taken including:

Human Factors

Availability, Reliability and Maintainability

Maintenance and Support Strategy

Software Intensive Systems

Systems Engineering for NEC

Lifecycle Management

Nuclear Warhead Engineering

©2007 Cranfield University


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