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Course : MSc Business and Systems Thinking (incorporating PG Cert/PG Dip) (2010)

MSc Business and Systems Thinking (incorporating PG Cert/PG Dip)

Categories: EducationSystems Thinking

Tags: coursederbyeducationmscpostgraduatesystems thinkingukuniversity

Publisher:University of Derby


Published: 2010 • Delivery Format: Unknown


From the University of Derby:

You will develop a wide and in-depth knowledge across key managerial disciplines on the MSc Business and Systems Thinking programme.

You will practice and expand key subject area skills, unlocking business potential and management capabilities within a diverse cultural context. You will develop appropriate business strategies, policies, procedures and change programmes within a dynamic business context so you will make an immediate impact in the business sector.

You will also understand the impact of professional and ethical standards and principles on business practice, and enhance your own personal business skills. At the same time you will focus on systems thinking - an innovative approach to help organisations work efficiently and effectively- and start to understand the complex world of systems.

The MSc starts with the Postgraduate Certificate stage which is also shared across other programmes so that you build a strong support network of global colleagues to learn with. You will concentrate on the broad contextual aspects of management, developing your knowledge and understanding. The main themes here are developing people, organisational dynamics and behaviours, finance and information, marketing and operations, as well personal development skills.

At the Postgraduate Diploma stage the focus is on subject specific knowledge and practical skills.  It goes beyond the operational and functional, through the tactical, and towards a more strategic level of understanding in a wider variety of business environments and global contexts.  You’ll be internationalising your capabilities and will evaluate a range of intervention theories in terms of systems thinking and change management. You will research to evaluate the application of Systems theory to an organisation.

At the Masters level you will focus on the philosophies and practice of systems thinking.  You will develop a dissertation or management project based on systems thinking and organisational change. This is a significant piece of work culminating in your resolutions of, and perspectives on, strategic managerial problems relating to systems and change management.

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